
I spearheaded an initiative, collaborating closely with several of my colleagues, to enact the first-ever Neighborhood Traffic Management Program ordinance amendment, leveraging the voter-approved Prop A.

In late 2022, residents from the Sharpstown area adjacent to Sutton Elementary School reached out to our office, expressing their desire for speed bumps. Encouraged by strong community backing, including a supportive letter from Sutton Elementary, we formally submitted an application for the installation of speed bumps. However, part of the application process involves engaging the community, seeking support, and gathering input. In this instance, additional speed cushions were requested by the broader community, which were not initially factored into the cost estimate. Consequently, we faced a shortfall in funding to accommodate these extra requests, leading to the inability to proceed with the original project. Despite our efforts to explore alternative solutions, none proved feasible. Thus, the only viable option was to amend the ordinance.

This past November, Houstonians overwhelmingly voted to support a Charter amendment, Proposition A, that would allow three or more council members to bring forward a legal item to the council agenda. Before this change to the Charter, only the mayor could bring forward an item to the agenda. After months-long debate on the process of how to implement Prop A, the item was finally brought before City Council this morning for a vote, and it passed unanimously.

I want to thank Council Members Tiffany D. Thomas, Dr. Carolyn Evans Shabazz, Fred Flickinger, and Tarsha Jackson for being co-signers of the item. This was a huge win for council members and a huge win for the people of Houston to ensure the will and intent of the voters was followed.

Together we will!

Edward Pollard