“Creating a safe, thriving neighborhood in the heart of Southwest through its rich cultural diversity”

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As the Houston Independent School District (HISD) celebrates its centennial, it is necessary to provide Houston’s children and families with safe, healthy, and future-ready learning environments. Too many campuses have significant structural needs, and since the District has historically utilized temporary buildings to manage district growth instead of building permanent buildings, our structural needs have reached a critical point of disrepair.

Change requires choices, and the District has to prioritize investments to meet today’s needs and tomorrow’s opportunities. HISD is guided by several principles in designing the 2024 bond proposal:

Maximize investments in student safety, health, and capacity. HISD will meet the mandates of HB3 to secure schools and classrooms, improve the quality of air and water, and expand campuses to reduce overcrowding.

Prioritize investments to achieve the District’s goals. HISD will invest in school facilities and student technology to improve learning conditions within the district to narrow achievement gaps and accomplish the goals of the HISD Board and Administration.

Meet the challenges of the future. HISD will make investments in early childhood education as well as Career and Technical Education, preparing students to lead in the future workplace and world.

Improve access for families and neighborhoods. HISD will use bond investments to restore and renew facilities across the District and find ways to improve connections with families and neighboring communities.

No tax increase. HISD will likely propose a bond of significant scale, but the fundamentals of the regional economy and improved financial controls within the District mean the District can borrow funds at lower rates than other districts or borrowers. This will allow for significant investments across the district without raising taxes on HISD residents.

HISD is considering a comprehensive plan with three key investments in Houston’s students and neighborhoods. These are Safe and Healthy Campuses, Future Ready Learning Spaces, and Restoring Houston’s Schools.

To learn more, visit: https://www.houstonisd.org/Page/202275