Harris County Judge: Introducing the Brighter Path Initiative admin2024-04-19T13:18:48-05:00April 19, 2024| Introducing the Brighter Path Initiative Lina Hidalgo | Harris County Judge We are starting a new initiative, and we need your support to make Harris County government more ethical and more accountable to all residents. Please see below for more information: Watch the Press Conference Read the Houston Chronicle Article Reserve Your SPOT! Use our letter of support to send to the following: General: CommissionersCourt@hctx.net CJO: Judge.Hidalgo@harriscountytx.gov Precinct 1: Comm_Ellis@cp1.hctx.net Precinct 2: Commissioner@pct2.hctx.net Precinct 3: Pct3@pct3.com Precinct 4: Service@hcp4.net Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTelegramTumblrPinterestVkXingEmail Related Posts The Pollard Press Gallery The Pollard Press Welcome to J City Gallery Welcome to J City Important Reminder for Apartment Owners: Preparing Your Tenants for Freezing Temperatures Gallery Important Reminder for Apartment Owners: Preparing Your Tenants for Freezing Temperatures HPD: Holiday Safety Tips Gallery HPD: Holiday Safety Tips